It's hard to understand why the Christians would promote and make a film about the biblical story of Noah and the flood. It seems to me it should be as much of an embarrassment to them as the creepy story of Job where god screws over his biggest fan as part of a childish bet. But the flood story is far, far worse as a moral lesson. This god is so bad at what he does that he becomes annoyed that the experiment he made isn't turning out the way he intended, so instead of repairing the situation by, oh I don't know, perhaps reasoning with the people he created and providing a good and moral example, he instead decides to murder everyone. Yes, all those babies and puppies and sheep and songbirds were just so evil they all had to be killed.
What the hell kind of story is that??? It's psychopathic. Their god is so impatient with his failure that he drowns everybody instead of actually addressing the problem. And of course this solution works so well, because the first thing god's model person, Noah, does afterward is to go off to a cave with his daughters for a drunken incestuous orgy. Also, let's not forget all the subsequent insane violence of the rest of the bible. This god, if he existed, would be an utter disaster area -- not only murderously short-tempered in the face of his own failure, but totally inept at repairing that failure. Why would anybody with even a scrap of morality want to worship such a god?
This is exactly the kind of hare-brained, half-thought-through story that makes it crystal clear there could not possibly be a biblical god. It is so obviously the product of fearful, superstitious, ignorant savages. Thank goodness it is fiction.
What amazes me is that everybody knows this story, but they focus solely on the ludicrous idea that two of every animal could possibly fit in an ark, and they completely miss the morality of a god that murders all the children and all the animals because it's easier than fixing his broken mess. It's not just a stupid story, it's malevolently evil.
(Crossposted from at my Dreamwidth account. Number of comments there so far: )
What the hell kind of story is that??? It's psychopathic. Their god is so impatient with his failure that he drowns everybody instead of actually addressing the problem. And of course this solution works so well, because the first thing god's model person, Noah, does afterward is to go off to a cave with his daughters for a drunken incestuous orgy. Also, let's not forget all the subsequent insane violence of the rest of the bible. This god, if he existed, would be an utter disaster area -- not only murderously short-tempered in the face of his own failure, but totally inept at repairing that failure. Why would anybody with even a scrap of morality want to worship such a god?
This is exactly the kind of hare-brained, half-thought-through story that makes it crystal clear there could not possibly be a biblical god. It is so obviously the product of fearful, superstitious, ignorant savages. Thank goodness it is fiction.
What amazes me is that everybody knows this story, but they focus solely on the ludicrous idea that two of every animal could possibly fit in an ark, and they completely miss the morality of a god that murders all the children and all the animals because it's easier than fixing his broken mess. It's not just a stupid story, it's malevolently evil.
(Crossposted from at my Dreamwidth account. Number of comments there so far: )